1 - Conditions of use of the site
Global Pecunia provides its services as long as you agree to abide by these terms of use, which Global Pecunia will be free to modify at any time.
2 - Intellectual property
In accordance with the laws governing intellectual property, the reproduction or use of the elements found in this website, in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Only legal exceptions, including representation within the family circle, private copying or the right of short quotation, are maintained.
Thus, all texts, photos, logos, brands and other elements reproduced on this site are reserved and protected by the law of intellectual property. (Copyright law, neighboring law, trademark law ...).
3 - Personal data
Global Pecunia undertakes to keep confidential the personal data provided by the user of the site, and to fully abide by the GDPR.
4 - Responsibility
Global Pecunia declines any responsibility for the difficulties encountered during the access to its site or for any communication failure.
Global Pecunia reserves the right to modify, interrupt temporarily or permanently all or part of the site, without notice. Global Pecunia can in no way be held responsible for you or against a third party for any modification, interruption or suspension of the site.
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You are free to establish links to this site insofar as they do not affect the image of its publisher. You are authorized to establish links to the pages of the site in the format: html, php, xml.
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